Thursday, November 28, 2019

Television or Books free essay sample

Television is undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. It has both many advantages and desadvantages when compared to reading a book. I do not know how many hours you watch tv in a day but its damage depends upon the time you spend in front of it. In our society, reading a book is by most of the people regarded as wasting time. People would prefer to do everything rather than reading a book or something like periodical. And their preference is as you can guess on the side of watching tv. However as these people do not know the serious desadvantages of tv, they go on watching it for hours and hours. So, in this paper, I will mention the pros of reading a book and some of the unnumerable cons of watching tv. First of all, tv makes people home keepers by making them anti-social creatures. We will write a custom essay sample on Television or Books or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These people graduallytend not to spend enough time with their children, friends, or relatives. And this in turn causes, especially in children, problems that stem from deficiency in love, interest shown towards them. These home keepers in time get very lazy and even their visions or perspectives about the world may change. They initially start to see everything unnecessary. Sometimes, they have great difficulty in realizingtheir duties such as studying lesson or working. Because these people in time get accustomed to sitting and lying down mostly. Even you can come across some people who think to become rich easily without working. Because the tv teaches this to them. Tv vaccinates this dangerous mentality, unfortunately. As for reading a book, it provides one with so many advantages that one cannot even guess. First of all, it informs one on a subject in detail, which automatically increases your self-confidance. Because if one reads a newspaper or a book on a subject, s/he feels sufficient to talk about that subject. This, at the same time, improves the person’s thinking ability, offers him a wider perspective and an ability to examine events better. In addition, the persons who read much have a rich vocabulary store which brings an ability to talk effectively. Reading a book improves people’s relations with each other contrary to negative effects of watching tv. The more a person reads, the more he learns. The person who learns more increases his cultural level and the capacity to think fast with more than one concept. Instead of watching tv in spare time, people must deliberately read books for a beter future for themselves. And in time, these people will of course have an efficient personality in their society, which will prepare a beter future for their children and country, too.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Develop some hypotheses explaining why only eukaryotic cells have evolved into multi-cellular organisms.

Develop some hypotheses explaining why only eukaryotic cells have evolved into multi-cellular organisms. Prokaryotic cells are structurally simple. They are found only in single-celled and colonial organisms. Eukaryotic cells have organelles with their own membranes. Single-celled eukaryotic organisms are very diverse, but many colonial and multicellular forms also exist. The first of eukaryotic cells probably evolved or split off from Archeans, which have attributes of both prokaryotes (oxygen haters, e.g. bacteria), but also contain genes that are more like what you'd find in eukaryotes (oxygen lovers e.g. plants and animals). The first eukaryote cells probably lived near oxygen producing stromatolites. Indicators suggest that precursors evolved a 2.6 billion years agoa billion years before the oldest fossil cells. Early single celled eukaryotes probably include amoeba, dinoflagellates, and ciliates (pictured top down to the right). They get food by surrounding and absorbing it, or through mouth-like openings, or other means. Some have internal skeletons cysts. The cysts are found fos silized, but of course you need a microscope to see them.Prokaryotes are primitive cells, without a nucleus...Eukaryotes are larger than prokaryotes and were bigger right from the beginning. They needed to be larger to hold new parts: a nucleus, gene DNA package, and organelles. Life evolved in the sea. It stayed there for the majority of the history of earth. The first fossilized evidence of multi-cellular cells goes back to about 1.5 billion years ago. There was a price to pay for the advantages gained from specializationdeath. Prokaryotes cells didn't diethey continued to live by splitting and forming two clones. Only environmental hazards like being eaten or physically destroyed killed them. However, when eukaryotic cells grouped together and specialized, the cells gave up the ability to reproduce by division and began dying. The first replicating molecules were most likely RNA. RNA is a nucleic acid similar to DNA. In laboratory studies it has been shown that some RNA sequences have catalytic...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sony Corporation marketing strategy Research Paper

Sony Corporation marketing strategy - Research Paper Example †¢ At present, the company wants to launch its new product i.e. PlayStation 4 which is the extension of its existing product line †¢ Prior to introducing its new product, the company is required to follow and implement new product development strategy which would facilitate to identify the current market situation, competitors’ performance and changing consumer buying behaviour among others †¢ After analysing marketing mix strategies, it has been observed that the company’s new product possesses a wide variety of innovative features which are quite unique from its competitors, which offer similar kind of products †¢ In terms of pricing strategy, the company will follow the strategies of discounting price, competitive price and psychological pricing in order to attract the target market across the duration from launch to the upcoming five years †¢ Apart from these, the company also would offer trade discounts, seasonal allowances and also offer payment discounts to the consumers who deliver early cash before getting the product †¢ Additionally, the company will adopt certain distribution strategies in order to reach more market coverage for the next five years. Furthermore, it will also adopt certain promotional strategies which would facilitate to increase the sales for the next consecutive five years... Additionally, the company operates under four business segments such as electronics market, game, Motion pictures and music as part of entertainment and financial services. Since the past few years’, the company has continuously attained huge success through its unique business model and by developing effective capabilities that have facilitated the company to deliver innovative products and services as per the market needs (Sony Corporation, 2013). It has been viewed that the company has earned considerable reputation not only in its domestic market but also has attracted international customers through its unique products and services. Moreover, it offers a wide variety of products by emphasising upon different market segments by which the organisation has comprehend the exact needs of the products and services of the target market. Sony delivers electronic products such as LED TV, Smart TV, music system, mobile phones and also various gaming products including PlayStation ( Sony Corporation, 2013). It has been observed that the company has attained core competency particularly in its gaming market segment where it delivers unique gaming experiences along with affordable prices as compared to its rivals. This market segment helps the company to earn huge revenue in the past five fiscal years (Sony Corporation, 2013). The core objective of this study is to present a five year marketing plan for introducing a new product in the gaming segment i.e. PlayStation 4 by considering new product development and marketing mix strategies. Additionally, this discussion also aims to show the company’s new pricing, promotional mix and distribution strategies in order to launch this

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

America's response to the Flat World Case Study

America's response to the Flat World - Case Study Example Apart from World Trade Organization (WTO) and General Agreement on Tariffs Trade (GATT), the United States has entered into small trade deals as part of their plan to pursue trade liberalization on multilateral, regional and bilateral fronts. Securing ties with strategic partners enables the United States to expand its already booming economy. It can conquer overwhelmingly small and developing economies through these trade agreements (McMahon, 2006). As of 2005, America has entered into ten Free Trade Agreements. The first trade agreement is with Israel in 1985. This was followed by Canada and Mexico which comprises the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which took effect in 2004. A free-trade agreement with Jordan went into effect on December 17, 2001. Negotiations for free-trade areas with Singapore and Chile, begun in December 2000, have been completed. On January 21, 2003, the United States and Morocco announced their intention to negotiate a free-trade agreement, and on May 21, 2003, the United States and Bahrain announced such an intention (, 2006) . It was then followed by the partnership with the countries such as Australia, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. An agreement with Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica have passed congress and has yet to be enforced. There are three more agreements that are being considered by congress, with Oman, Peru and Colombia. Talks are be ing done with 11 more would be trade partners, either bilaterally, as part of regional deals or as members of customs union (McMahon, 2006). Free trade agreements (FTAs) are arrangements or pacts between countries to secure preferential deals with strategically important countries. It can help the companies to enter and compete more easily in the global marketplace. In these kinds of agreements, this will help level the international playing field and encourage foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rule making procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations (McMahon, 2006). FTAs also help strengthen business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, easing investment rules, and much more. These deals may be lowering or in some cases elimination of tariffs and other hindrances on goods. NAFTA for instance, has set limits for safety and inspection of meats sold in the grocery stores, new patents for medicines that raised its prices constraints on local government's ability to zone against sprawl or t oxic industries; and elimination of preferences for spending the tax dollars on U.S.-made products or locally-grown food (Gruben,1997). Related to this, international trade is an integral part of the U.S. economy, accounting for more than one-quarter of U.S. gross domestic product and supporting more than 12 million U.S. jobs, including 1 in 5 manufacturing positions. FTAs can be a catalyst for accelerating economic growth by allowing greater competition, encouraging the formation

Monday, November 18, 2019

Comparing Ethiopia to Other Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing Ethiopia to Other Countries - Essay Example â€Å"According to the neo classical growth theory, output growth results from one or more of three factors: increases in labor quantity and quality, increases in capital, and improvements in technology† (Todaro & Smith, 2003 p 164). Thus, the concept of neoclassical growth theory states that growth of an economy stops when the technological change ends. A technological change leads to an increase in saving and investment and there by increases the real GDP per capita. In the context of Ethiopia the theory of neoclassical growth theory has relevance in the respect of underdevelopment. The lack technology has pulled back Ethiopian economy from attaining development. In other words technological backwardness has contributed to the lesser growth of Ethiopia. This is clear from the GDP ratios of the country. Ethiopia’s GDP remained at â€Å"$1000 in 2010† (Human Development Report 2009: M Economy and Inequality, 2009). The Human Development Index indicates that the H DI of Ethiopia were just 0.328 in 2010. In HDI ranking Ethiopia had171st rank† (Human Development Report 2009: M Economy and Inequality, 2009). ... This will increase income, savings and investments, which, in turn, can lead to economic development. â€Å"The role of Lewis theory in Ethiopia is also showing a negative trend. The relevance of the theory in a country is highlighted when there occur a shift in the employment rate from agriculture to industry sector. The data regarding the employment in agriculture and industry of Ethiopia shows that the role of the Lewis theory in the development of a country is more relevant. The employment rate of Ethiopia in the agriculture sector during 2009 was 85% while that of industry was just 5%† (Intelligence Throughout History: Birth of Overhead Reconnaissance, 1861). The Big Push Theory: The Big Push Theory by Paul N. Rosenstein Rodan calls for a big investment from the government’s side, for attaining economic growth in an underdeveloped country. â€Å"The Big Push is a model of how the presence of market failures can lead to a need for a concerted economy wide and proba bly public policy- led effort to get the long process of economic development underway, or to accelerate it† (Todaro & Smith, 2003 p 162). A big investment by the government encourages more growth in that sector, which ultimately leads to the development of that particular sector and, therefore, attracts more investment by individuals and firms. The relevance of big push theory in Ethiopia is seen from the aid given by the government and the UN in various situations including the natural calamities. This big push has helped the Ethiopian economy in improving their HDI rank during past years. Market friendly approach: Market friendly approach was first put forward by World Bank, which gave a much

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mental Health of Geriatric Population Comparison

Mental Health of Geriatric Population Comparison AIM Mental health of Geriatric Population: A Comparative study between old aged living with family and in old age homes. OBJECTIVE To assess the dimensions of mental health of the old aged living with family and in old age homes. HYPOTHESIS There will be a significant difference in the mental health of geriatric population living in old age homes and with family. There will be a difference between anxiety of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between depression of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between loss of behavioural control of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between general positive affect of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between emotional ties of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between life satisfaction of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between psychological distress of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. There will be a difference between psychological wellbeing of old aged living with families and old aged living in old age homes. RATIONALE To study the impact of old age problems on psychological well being in Indian context because of different societal values they experience different kinds of psychological problems. Growing numbers of elderly in countries of the developing world presage an increase in those affected by organic, age-related mental diseases such as dementia. A simultaneous rise in the burden of non-organic mental disorders in elderly populations is likely because stressors in many countries are affecting the mental health of the elderly directly and/or indirectly by altering the ability of families to provide care for them. It is believed that in order to improve the conditions of the old aged around the world we need to address the issues of mental health. RESEARCH DESIGN The between groups design is used to conduct the research work. Variables Independent variable –the place of stay of geriatric population Dependent Variable – Mental Health SAMPLE To achieve the objective of the current study a sample of 30 old aged males females in old age homes and 30 old age man females living with family. Their socio demographic details were taken and it was seen that samples were distributed randomly to both the genders. The age group between 60- 80 was taken and it was found that the mean age came out to be 75. It was seen that half of the population belong to the urban area and had their education till 12th standard. The sample belongs to the middle class socio economic status. SAMPLING To achieve the above objective a technique of Purposive sampling is used. Type of the study Quantitative study is being used. INCLUSION CRITERIA Males and females Between 60-80 years of age Same geographical area i.e. Delhi/NCR Old age homes Aged living with their families. EXCLUSION CRITERIA Males who are above 80 years of age and who are below 60 years of age Females who are above 80 years of age and who are below 60 years of age People with physical problems. Patients having any other psychiatric or neurological disorder RESEARCH TOOLS Mental Health Inventory (MHI; Veit Ware, 1983) The MHI measures general levels of psychological distress and well-being. The MHI consists of 38 items that are scored on a 6-point Likert scale according to the frequency of its occurrence over the past month. The MHI has elicited reliably strong internal consistencies ranging from .83 to .96 (Veit Ware,1983). It is a Self Rated Questionnaire measuring 38 items which describe symptoms or states of mind. Items are rated in terms of frequency or intensity of symptoms or states of mind over the past month. All of the 38 MHI items, except two, are scored on a six- point scale (range 1- 6) Items 9 and 28 are the exception, each scored on a five- point scale (range 1- 5). The MHI may be aggregated into 3 types of summary scores: Emotional †¢ Six subscales – Anxiety, Depression, Loss of Behavioural/ Control, General Positive Affect, Emotional Ties and Life Satisfaction. †¢ Two global scales Psychological Distress and Psychological Well-being. †¢ A global Mental Health Index score Validity and Reliability Mental health inventory has a reported .93 Cronbach alpha rating whereas its abridged version has .82 rating. The test referred to herein have been field tested on large number of people and is a well known test. Further it is pertinent to note that the mental health inventory depicted high correlation rating with MSQLI or Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory. MHI has reported both internal reliability and Test Retest reliability which are highly acceptable. PROCEDURE The first step in the research required that permission be sought from the publishers of the selected questionnaire for carrying out the study using their questionnaire. Having obtained the permission from the publishers; permission was sought from old age homes and with family members for carrying out the study on the old aged. The study was discussed with them in detail. Participants for the study were selected randomly and they comprised a purposive sample. Consent was obtained from the participants and their family members by taking their signatures on the consent forms. They were duly informed that the information provided by them would be used for research purpose only and that it would not be misused in any way. Having obtained their permission the questionnaires were then administered on the old aged. STATISTICAL TOOLS T-test was used to assess the correlation among the variables of the study SPSS 17.0 was used for result analysis The data collected by the researcher on the questionnaire selected for the present study from each of the 60 participants was subjected t statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software Programme (SPSS 17.0) in order to test the suggested hypotheses. TABLE 1 The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of anxiety where group 1 indicates the lower mean (28.2000) than the mean of group 2 (34.9667) with the t-score of -3.123 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of depression where group 1 indicates the lower mean (12.4667) than the mean of group 2 (15.2000) with the t-score of -2.580 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of loss of behaviour/emotional control where group 1 indicates the lower mean (26.6333) than the mean of group 2 (33.9000) with the t-score of -3.701significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of general positive effect where group 1 indicates the higher mean (42.1667) than the mean of group 2 (26.9667) with the t-score of 7.106 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of emotional ties where group 1 indicates the higher mean (7.5000) than the mean of group 2 (5.3667) with the t-score of 3.560 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of life satisfaction where group 1 indicates the higher mean (4.3333) than the mean of group 2 (2.4333) with the t-score of 6.697 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of psychological distress where group 1 indicates the lower mean (74.0667) than the mean of group 2 (92.2333) with the t-score of -3.644 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of psychological well being where group 1 indicates the higher mean (57.2667) than the mean of group 2 (36.9667) with the t-score of 7.549 significant at 0.01 level. The above result table compares the mean and t score of the elderly living with families and old age homes at the scale of mental health index where group 1 indicates the higher mean (1.4707E2) than the mean of group 2 (1.1563E2) with the t-score of 4.252 significant at 0.01 level. TABLE 2 The above table suggest that Anxiety (with family) has a Positive Correlation with depression, LOS, Psychological Distress and ET which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that anxiety has a Negative Correlation with GPA, LS, Psychological Wellbeing and KMHI significant at 0.01 levels. Anxiety of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with depression, loss of behaviour/emotional control psychological distress which are significant at 0.01 level. Also, it has a negative correlation with General positive affect, emotional ties, life satisfaction being significant at 0.05 levels. The above table suggest that Depression (with family) has a Positive Correlation with Anxiety, LOS, Psychological Distress and ET which is significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that Depression has a Negative Correlation with GPA, LS, Psychological Wellbeing and KMHI are significant at 0.01 level and ET, LS are found to be insignificant. Depression of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with anxiety, loss of behaviour control which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it has a negative correlation with general positive affect, emotional ties life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and mental health being significant at 0.05 levels. The above table suggest that LOS (with family) has a Positive Correlation with Anxiety, Depression and Psychological Distress which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that LOS has a Negative Correlation with GPA, Psychological Wellbeing and KMHI significant at 0.01 level and ET, LS being insignificant. Loss of behaviour control of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with anxiety, depression and psychological distress which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it has a negative correlation with general positive effect, emotional ties, life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and mental health which are significant at 0.01 levels. The above table suggest that GPA (with family) has a Positive Correlation with LS and Psychological Wellbeing and MHI which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that GPA has a negative Correlation with ET, anxiety, depression, LOS and psychological Distress significant at 0.01 levels. General positive affect of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with emotional ties, life satisfaction and psychological well being which are significant at 0.01 level. Also, it has a negative correlation with anxiety, depression, loss of behaviour and psychological distress control which are significant at 0.01 levels. The table suggest that ET (with family) has no significant correlation with any of the dimensions mentioned above. Emotional Ties of the old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with general positive affect, life satisfaction which are significant at 0.01 level and psychological well being is significant at 0.05 levels. Also, emotional ties have negative correlation with anxiety, depression, loss of behaviour control being significant at 0.01 level and psychological distress being significant at 0.05 levels. The above table suggest that LS (with family) has a Negative Correlation with depression, Anxiety, LOS, ET and Psychological Distress which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that LS has a Positive Correlation with Psychological Wellbeing significant at 0.01 level and General positive affect, KMHI significant at 0.05 levels. Life satisfaction of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with General positive affect, emotional ties, psychological well being and mental health which are significant at o.01 level. Also, it has a negative correlation with anxiety, depression, loss of behaviour control which are significant at 0.01 level and psychological distress being significant at 0.05 levels. The above table suggest that Psychological distress (with family) has a Positive Correlation with depression, Anxiety, LOS and ET which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that Psychological Distress has a Negative Correlation with GPA, LS, Psychological Wellbeing and KMHI significant at 0.01 levels. Psychological distress of old aged living in old age hoes has a positive correlation with anxiety, depression and loss of behaviour control being significant at 0.01 levels. Also it has a negative correlation with GPA, distress and mental health significant at 0.1 level and ET, The above table suggest that Psychological Wellbeing (with family) has a Negative Correlation with Anxiety, depression, LOS and Psychological Distress which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that Psychological Wellbeing has a Positive Correlation with GPA, LS, and KMHI significant at 0.01 levels. Psychological well being of old aged living in old aged homes has a positive correlation with GPA, MHI significant at 0.01 levels and ET being significant at 0.05 levels. Also it has negative correlation with depression, psychological distress significant at 0.01 level and LOS being significant at 0.05 levels. The above table suggest that KMHI (with family) has a Negative Correlation with depression, Anxiety, LOS and Psychological Distress which are significant at 0.01 levels. Also, it shows that anxiety has a Positive Correlation with GPA, LS and Psychological Wellbeing significant at 0.01 levels. The above table suggest that MHI of old aged living in old age homes has a positive correlation with GPA significant at 0.05 level and psychological well being significant at 0.01 level.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Interview Essays - A Local Rock Star -- Interview Essays - A Local Roc

Local Rock Star Sitting at the table with long, thick, blonde hair and a hint of Brad Pitt’s facial features sits Brian. He is a 17 year old high school junior, a guitarist in a local band, and he is my interview. He will begin nearly all his sentences with â€Å"uhh†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but then proceeds to long, interesting answers. I started by asking him about when he became interested in music, and who his influences were. â€Å"I’ve always listened to music,† he said, â€Å"my first album ever was Nirvana’s Nevermind; it was a cassette tape. I also listened to a lot of Michael Jackson—don’t laugh, I mean like Thriller and stuff.† What inspired you to play an instrument? â€Å"The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ CD Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic was the first time I realized I wanted to play an instrument.† What instruments do you play? â€Å"I’ve played guitar for the last four years, saxophone for the last two—though only in the school band,† he said. â€Å"The keyboard, bass and drums I can ‘musically understand,’ though I don’t usually play them.† So tell me about the band. What’s the significance of the band’s name, No Name Charlies? â€Å"Uhh†¦ well we had, like, 100 names that we had gone through and we didn’t really like. Then Greg, our former trombone player, said that whenever his teacher in elementary school would get an essay without a name on it, she’d call it a ‘no name Charlie.’ We all kind of liked it; it’s definitely grown on us since then.† He told me the band came together in November 2001, and their first show was in spring 2002. There has been a lot of movement in terms of the band members: some have come and gone, some have come, gone and come back again, some switch instruments, and others have stepped in. The configuration, as i... ...ur first one,† he says, referring to their 2003 demo Shut Up and Listen! They met Pat Kays, bassist for the band Catch 22, when they opened for his band last year. Kays told the boys he liked their sound, and was interested in engineering and, to an extent, producing. â€Å"It was mutual,† Brian said, â€Å"because we had been wanting to record, and he had wanted to engineer. It all kind of fell into place.† Youthful endurance, continuing optimism and a small—but steadily growing—fan base have all contributed to the No Name Charlies’ local success. When asked whether the band would take the chance to become famous—if the chance was given—Brian said they would take it without question. However, he thinks balance is important, and would not sacrifice a college education for it. When asked if he thinks the band will make it big, Brian replied, â€Å"I’d like to think so.†